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Education - Advocacy - Support

Support Group

If you’ve arrived because you are wrestling with your own LGBTQ identity or because you’re trying to understand or help a loved one who recently “came out,” then you are at the right place.


Please use this website to learn about us and find helpful resources. Then attend an upcoming support meeting to hear personal stories of others like you, gain insight from their experiences, and learn of health care professionals who serve our local LGBTQ community.


You are not alone on your journey. PFLAG will help you.

PFLAG works to ensure that all people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and beyond are not only valued by society but take pride in and value themselves.

We do this in three main ways:

EDUCATE that sexual orientation and gender identity are not “choices” but determined before birth. The only choice is whether to reveal one’s authentic self or hide it to avoid being rejected by family and friends or oppressed by society. Self-denial can negatively impact mental health, possibly causing suicidal thoughts or actions.

ADVOCATE for fair and equal treatment in schools, workplaces, churches, and any other places where LGBTQ people encounter discrimination. We also promote anti-bullying and safe schools training.

SUPPORT LGBTQIA+ people and their families by providing monthly 3rd Thursday meetings where they can confidentially share their struggles and find community with those who have similar experiences and concerns. People attending support group meetings find compassion, understanding, and acceptance. We offer separate groups for adults and youth lead by trained facilitators.

Happy Couple

© 2025 by PFLAG Peachtree City. All Rights Reserved

 Text PFLAG to 833-751-2329 for updates and meeting reminders. 

PFLAG PTC is a welcoming and inclusive place of gathering. We recognize the essential humanity of all people and the need to feel embraced, cared for, and respected. We strive to acknowledge all who come to the meetings for who they are and where they come from.

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